Friday, October 15, 2010


There have been a few things happening that are even too long to post in my blog, so if you wanna know more just message me or leave a comment and I'll message you!
Let me think... school is unfortunately even more boring, what with me just drawing in the class. I not only don't entirely understand the language, but I don't have the books for the classes and I've never had some of these classes before. The people are all really nice, but I definitely feel awkward when we have to pair up or go in groups and I'm not supposed to because I'm not doing anything.
I went to two parties this weekend, and they were so fun. I love to dance, and I love to be around people who love to dance as well. Friday though, we went to one but it was a private party so even though we got in, the police made us leave and almost everyone. No one was really dancing at that one though, just taking photos so it wasn't really that much of a shame we left. Then we went to another one that was organized and such, but the police showed up and made everyone leave and they even put gas on us. Everyone started coughing and I just wondered why everyone was hiding their mouthsand all of a sudden it hit me. I couldn't believe that for doing nothing the police gassed everyone, that scared me so much. My friend's boyfriend even started smoking to get rid of the smell, which surprisingly even though I absolutely cannot stand the smell of smoke, well it helped. Saturday I went with Katie, an exchange student from Oregon, and her family to watch cars race high up in the mountains. To sum that up, it was really cold but almost exciting; I absolutely love her family though. Everyone, literally everyone, in Ambato knows her family because they're really rich, REALLY rich, and her grandpa started this car dealership or something. I have the same birthday as her mom, which I think is cool. Katie's brother, Pato (by the way everyone's name is Pato here, when I told my brother that he said "So many Pato's, so little time" which made me laugh) and my cousin, Mayte, like eachother, which is also cool! Saturday was Franzi's birthday party, so when we showed up there were like five people there but after about an hour a bunch of people showed up and it was a lot of fun. I love the atmosphere of here so much.
Sunday nothing really interesting, most of the cousins went to the movies but me and Mayte decided to just walk around the mall and eat and talk. I talked with my family on Sunday and I miss them a lot, especially my brother. It was kind of funny though, because almost all of my extended family was with me, or at least six at a time, so it was almost awkward because there was the whole language barrier problem and the fact that they were meeting for the first time over internet and didn't know what to do.
Since I've been here, I've really wished I liked seafood. They have it a lot of the time, and my parents have this theory that if I eat a little bit every time of the stuff that makes me want to vomit, I will slowly begin to like it. Then they'll give me fish or "jugo de tomate de arbol" and after I have it they'll ask me if I liked it. I thought that answer would be obvious. Anyways, I wish I liked seafood but there are just some foods that you really don't like.
I found my absolute favorite word in the world.. libelula. It means dragonfly, and I just love how it sounds I'm pretty sure I'm going to name my kid that.
So I have a few things to say about today (Wednesday). One is about the dangerous problem here in Ecuador, and how it's affected me. My friend and I were at the mall and we had to grab a taxi home, so we jumped in and I told the guy where we needed to go. Well, after going for about twenty seconds you're supposed to make a U-turn but he didn't so I told him he had to. He didn't listen to me, and he kept driving farther away. I told him again, and then later I'm pretty sure I told him that we wanted to go out. He turned into a neighborhood that looked really sketchy, and then turned left farther into the neighborhood. We jumped out of the car and sprinted down the street (with people yelling "run" and laughing because they think they're funny when they speak English here) into a store with a nice lady. My dad came and picked us up, and my mom thinks we overreacted and that he knew where he was going, but from the moment the driver didn't turn around, I knew something was wrong. People tell you to trust your gut, and this was a good example of that.When we were in the car, we tried to laugh it off, but it was that we're-so-nervous-and-don't-know-what-to-do laugh.
The other thing... I hate it when guys think it's funny to "speak English" but they only know like two phrases. Franzi and I have been on the bus when guys have said "I want to have sex with you" and then they laugh. They always say "I love you", ALWAYS it's "Hello" and "I love you" and when we leave it's "Bye" and "I love you" again. Sometimes I just want to punch them.... Yesterday, we were on the bus and one guy passed us and then backed up, stared at me, and then sat down right behind me and asked me how I was while saying other things and laughing. I almost went off on him in English, it's getting so tiring. They say if you don't pay attention to them, it will stop, but obviously the people that said that have never been to Ecuador. I was waiting for my aunt today on the corner, and whenever guys would pass they would wave, honk, or blow kisses at me. Two people in cars even tried to talk to me, or shouted something and looked all creepy, and that was only in about a three-minute-time span.
Anyways... Today, we had P.E. class, the first time because I seem to always miss Wednesday. We "ran" which was everyone holding hands and almost jogging for maybe two minutes. Then we sat in the field to do stretches, and I had so many burrs (those spiky ball things) all over me. Then we went and marched, but when I'm bored or just when I'm being me, I dance-walk. Well, I was doing that without even realizing it during the march and all of my class was laughing at me. I looked at everyone and I didn't understand at all and thought that they were saying a joke about something else. When I looked up and everyone was looking at me I was so confused, but later my friend told me and I thought it was funny.
Also, today I got another taste of what it's like to be a "gringa" and how people automatically love you (if they're teenage guys) here. My friend got my phone number, and I knew she know of guys that wanted to meet me but I didn't know that she would give them my number. I got calls today, and when I asked my dad if he knew the number he joked around saying it was my secret admirer. Turns out it was, and he kept saying I have such pretty photos and that he very much wants to meet me. Then he said something else and I laughed because I couldn't hear him, and he said "Yes?!" all excited so I'm still wondering what that was. Well now it's two days later and apparently he's mostly in love with me, even though he's never met me. Anyways, I just think it's really interesting, sometimes flattering and sometimes annoying.
And tomorrow: I'm headed for the beach with Rotary!

The photos:
1) party.
2) from the election.
3) with Liss, a classmate.
4) all the names.

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