Tuesday, October 5, 2010

in the middle of a national crisis, my life is completely normal.

So these past few days have been kind of crazy, what with the problems between the president and police. I'm still confused on what happened, but pretty much the police were trying to take down the president because he passed a law that was unfair to the police, so everyone was protesting. People were chanting, which REALLY scares me, and burning a lot of things in the middle of the towns. This made me kind of glad that I don't live in Quito, because people there could hear gunshots from inside their houses, and they couldn't leave to walk down the street at all.
Other than all that, it's been really normal. Ambato is still a relatively safe city, much safer than most. We saw a little girl peeing on the sidewalk, which made me laugh until I cried but I kind of threw up a little in my mouth. What I thought was the weirdest about that is there were many people just walking past taking no notice.
I've been meeting more people, and I found out the place to be from 5-9pm is in front of my school, because there were SO many people there, all teenagers just chilling.
My life has been going pretty well. I went to church, which I think was interesting for me because I understood almost nothing. Other than that, it was almost exactly the same, only there was a dog in the mass which I found weird.
We had a campaign today for everyone, but instead of it being like in the US which is people just putting up posters in the halls, there were two huge parties, one for tecnologia (my course) and one for ciencias. It was really fun, a lot of dancing and running around the school yelling "Vota Lista Uno!" We got out early too, which is always really nice. I didn't bring my camera unfortunately, but once everyone else posts the pictures on Facebook I'll upload them here!
I also figured I should start explaining the pictures I post, so one is when we were on the way back from Guayaquil, another is me and Franzi hugging, and the last is a mailbox thing I saw in the post office while all the protesting was going on.


  1. If u wanna see the video of the super dog Miel, I put on my blog.. ;)

  2. We had some anxious moments when we read the news accounts from there. Especially when it seemed to involve police versus the army. Guys with guns against guys with guns not a good mixture. Glad to see that things seem to have settled down. Saw some pictures where you were tagged. I hope you are as happy as you look in the pictures. Love, Grandpa
