Monday, December 13, 2010

SO LONG AGO, around nov 19

There was a parade, and I have quite a bit to say about that. Later I might end up putting more about it, but the short version is: we walked down the streets for about two hours, someone tried to rob my cell phone, I stepped in gum, and water splashed on my face. That night, I went with all the Rotary exchange students (except Franzi, she was in Quito) around Ambato and we had a sleepover. We stepped in to one party for about five minutes, I saw my cousin Pato (16 years old) and now we’re like half friends, we walked around a street while it was raining (now I’m sick) and then we went back to watch Harry Pottter (guess who fell asleep early?)

Next day: went to a baptism, well we actually arrived just in time to take the pictures and leave for the party. All of the family there was family that I don’t know, but I made friends really quickly. We did a few different dances, we talked, and went home at midnight. The next day we went to have lunch at this really pretty restaurant and then went to a fair of artesanias in Pinllo (handmade stuff in a neighborhood). I bought a jacket, Liga (soccer team) scarf, and we walked around in the cold (sick again!) The next day I had a horrible headache, a cold, and school, so I missed school on Tuesday. This past week I’ve hung out with my friends and actually been leaving the house, which is a lot better.


One boy thinks he loves me, but I’d never met him before Wednesday. He’s really persistent, so I decided I would give him a chance and meet him in the center. We went to eat, but I wasn’t hungry so only water. I called my friends from AFS (other youth exchange program) to come and meet us because I figured it would be awkward only with him, but it kind of turned out weirder at first because he doesn’t speak any English and one of my friends doesn’t really speak Spanish. Then I talked with his “girlfriend” on the phone, not really sure why I was supposed to, and we kind of left him. I wasn’t ever planning on being his girlfriend at all, but he kept asking me to be his girlfriend. Anyways, I felt kind of bad that we left him, but he still thinks he loves me so I don’t feel that bad anymore.

Two other Rotary exchange students, the two AFS students, and I went to a salsa dance class on Wednesday to learn how to dance South American-style, and it was hard. We were all laughing because it’s pretty difficult to dance and I definitely had no idea what I was doing. I received a package from the U.S. on Thursday; piece of advice: never have a package be more than 4kilos because you WILL have to pay. Still though, I was so happy to receive that package but it kind of made me miss my family more. Family, I know you’re reading this, so just so you know I love you guys. <3>

TOMORROW (SATURDAY): We’re going to see Harry Potter! Yes, I’m a little upset I didn’t go to see the midnight premiere, but I’m so excited. SO EXCITED. At least two people from Latacunga are coming to see it as well, which means this is going to be awesome. This Sunday we have the census, so apparently everyone has to stay in their house all Sunday, or at least until they get… censused?, but since almost nobody is going to be working it won’t be that fun.

What happened after that…

Friday I wrote this during class, and apparently I was so enraptured in writing that someone decided to STEAL MY CELL PHONE. FROM MY CLASS. This made me so mad, that someone from the class would do this! I can’t do anything about it other than have faith in God that He is going to help me and provide for all, but also that karma does exist.

Saturday was amazing, I missed Caitlin and Lea a lot and Caitlin came to my house. Harry Potter was in Spanish but I understood almost ALL of it! That could be because I’ve read the book like four times so I could more or less guess what was going on, but I feel like I have improved so much in the language, and I love it. While we were waiting though, there was a bomb threat, so we left the mall and I was super nervous. Then we found out it was just a simulation, but it was weird because some people stayed in the mall and some left scared. Later, we went to a party at a club and almost no one was dancing, but “Here in Your Arms” by Hellogoodbye, my happiness song, came on and I danced crazy. We had permission until one, but when we got home the third door was locked, so Mateo came to open it. Well then I couldn’t shut the second door so I tried to get his help but his door is confusing with the lock on the outside, so I couldn’t get open his door. Caitlin figured out how to close the door, but when we were upstairs we heard this insane banging. First came the freaking out, then the possible realization I had locked Mateo in his room, and then the apology.

On Sunday when we woke up, thanks to Caitlin that was around 8:00am, we talked and then got on the subject of American food and that lasted a while; I forgot how much I miss all the choices. Later, we went to watch Mateo to do downhill, then to have ice cream with the exchange students, then out to eat, and then to the mall for shopping. I think I forgot how fun shopping is, because I had SO much fun just walking around shopping and smelling perfume; I love perfume and exchange students. Got home, stayed in the house, and talked to my family for a long time after Chichi’s birthday cake.

Monday, school. After, I went to Xavier’s house and then later the dance class. We left that, all us exchange students talked about Christmas and decided on what we’re going to do. Katie came to my house for a little while longer, then she left. Tuesday (today) school and “practicing” for the parade that we have tomorrow; again I get to march. After, Xavier came to my house and then we went to the center, back to his house and then me back to my house. I’m really content with my life, which is weird because someone just robbed my cell phone. I guess when that happens it makes you realize who your friends that you can trust are, and now I really like my family. My dad sent a message to my cell phone, and apparently the person who has my phone called tonight (but my dad didn’t have his phone on him then)! WHAT IS GOING ON?! This is driving me crazy. But everyone who is reading this, know that Ecuador is a beautiful country and that for every person that robs you, there are a hundred people that want to help you. J

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