Friday, December 31, 2010

we got high (on a mountain, that is)

So let's think. I made it through Christmas, and honestly it was so hard. It was a lot different than what I was used to, my family wasn't with me, and I felt like, I don't know, just it was really hard. Everyone says how difficult the holiday season is, but you never really understand until you experience it. On Christmas Eve, we went to a mass at 10pm, then went back and ALL the family was eating pizza and salad. After that I was so tired and we weren't really doing much, but what is there really to do at 1am? Christmas Day I woke up at 12:30pm, not my usual 6:00am, opened the few presents in my room with my friend from Germany, and then we talked and went to eat. After, this felt so weird honestly, I went with my friend and her cousins and brother or something like that to play soccer. We ended up going for a jog and taking pictures while listening to music. After, the whole family prayed and was crying and that was hard because of how this season is and the fact that there's someone sick in the famly.
We had a sleepover and then on Sunday we went to the snow. That was cool, we climbed Chimborazo (like 1km, I have no idea in miles) and that was so difficult with the freezing wind and steep incline. We finally got back down, ate, and then left for one of the three Salinas towns in Ecuador. I LOVED it, the atmosphere, the people everything. They had "factories" of cheese, soccer balls, chocolate, and clothing. The factories were not from the typical picture of factory with the smoke billowing out, just little buildings. The soccer ball one was a room in a house about the size of a master bedroom, a little bigger. The chocolate one had the best smell in the room and a view that would work in the Harry Potter movies. The cheese one was awesome, and the clothing one we didn't get to. Everywhere there was recycling stuff and in the centro the boys were just hanging out without a worry, playing Ecuavolley (like volleyball kind of).
I bought a bunny, and it's the coolest thing in the world I completely love it. The family thinks it's completely hilarious that I wanted one and actually bought it, but I adore it and want to keep it forever. We left for a day and I already missed it, so that shows how attached I am to my baby. Today, Wednesday, I went to the Amazon; it was so cool. We went to this really cool lookout that was a tree house gone insane, a bird zoo, saw more animals, and then I went up in an airplane. That was amazing, it was 15min flying over the Amazonia, and it was crazy pretty. On the way back we went to Banos again, and seriously I adore that city. I honestly think I will retire there or something, I love it. The atmosphere, the fact that we're not looked at like we're from a different planet, how much stuff there is to do, seriously. VISIT BANOS.
As for everything else, my family is doing really good right now, my brother and I are at a comfortable state of never going to be friends, and my sister and I are actually friends it's awesome. I'm going to miss them when I have to change families, which is either the 8th of January or the last week of that month, we're not really sure. There's a really huge party coming up on I think the 6th of January, and groups leave to dance dressed up all cool. I want to do that so bad with the other exchange students, but nobody else really has ganas to do that (having ganas: like having a drive, having a reason to want to do something). Unfortunate, I know.
I feel like I owe everyone more information, but I've gotten so busy. I feel like I'm neglecting blogging, writing in my journal, and reading the Bible, which are all things I should not be forgetting to do. Well, time to go cuddle my conejito (bunny) and watch How I Met Your Mother. Damn, I love life here.
Oh, and about university....
I'm thinking I have to skip a year to work or do something because I have no idea where I want to go, or if I'm ready to do university in Spanish. Taking off a year for that wouldn't help, but I would apply in August and start in March of the next, next year so that would help. If anything, I think I'll take a semester off and hopefully go live on the East Coast. If anyone has any help, any ideas for me, please let me know because I feel like I am SO LOST! And, of course as always, ASK QUESTIONS!
We went to Chimborazo and the car ride was pretty long.
My BFF Franzi is awesome and made this.
I was with my classmates for our Christmas dinner.
We went to do Rotary volunteer work and there were really cooly decorated horses.
We did a free hugs thing.

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