Thursday, September 9, 2010

first and second days of school!

First Day: Wow, was it different than the US! We took a bus (overly crowded, of course) to the colegio and from there Franzi and I were confused. We had to line up and then they told us where our classes were and everyone sprinted off. I was put in the Sciences class with the person that helped me during the orientation, so when they moved me into a different class I was pretty upset. I had to sit in that desk that everyone purposely doesn't sit in, you know, the one in the front that's kind of squeaky and all it's legs aren't the same length. That and the fact that the Tech class gets out thirty minutes later weren't really helping. I felt super weird, and when we had to introduce ourselves I said I was from the US and everyone laughed and clapped; they seem to do that a LOT when I talk. I also had to give a presentation, which was funny because I said it in English and they all just stared at me and laughed. They're all very friendly to me, but they know each other better than they know me, so that's hard. During the break a lot of people followed me, and I didn't really know what to say and they would look at me when there was any silence, so that was really pressuring. I left early the first day because my bus only takes me to my house if I'm on the science track, so that was nice getting out earlier. Yep, that sums up the first day. Second Day: Worse, then maybe better. I was so bored, and since we don't do anything AND I don't know anyone, I just kind of sit at my desk bored out of my mind while everyone else is talking. One teacher made this other student move her desk towards mine so I would have an understanding, which was really embarassing and I moved my desk back like five minutes later. I was invited to go out this Friday (YES!) for one girl's birthday, which was really nice of them and I'm excited that I actually have plans other than staying at home playing Wii Tennis against the friends the computer creates for me. I was supposed to go to Quito this weekend to see my two French friends, but now I don't know if that's possible, which kind of sucks. They said it's in the rules that I can't go with a friend (I was going to go with the boy from Belgium who lives in Ambato) but nope! So now I'm trying to find a family member who is planning on going to Quito this Saturday or next Saturday, since I can't go alone. That was a SERIOUS blow because I really, really, really wanted to go! P.S. My adorable French friend, Corentin, informed me that I left out some very important information from my blog. First was the joke that the only thing we learned in Spanish camp was "Por favor, puedes darme una hoja de papel" (Please, give me a piece of paper) because that's what we kept saying. Another is that him and I had a joke "Voy a pegarte!" which means "I'm going to hit you" and I would always say that to him. Well, in class, the teacher was being really mean to me, and I said under my breath "Voy a pegarse", like I was going to hit the teacher (as a joke, of course) and the teacher turned around and goes "what?" Well, I'm sitting there like "Uh, nada, que?! No, nada" and Corentin is completely doubled over in laughter. Yeah, he was moved a few minutes later to a different seat. Actually, he might have been moved before I don't really remember.


  1. Ha Ha...I got to see your uniform. You were right honey, that is butt-ugly!! But at least everyone has to wear one, and you look as cute as it is possible to look in that thing :)
    School will get easier as you make more and more friends. You just have to stop threatening your

  2. thanks auntie karen haha! i have friends now, which is awesome. :)
