Monday, September 13, 2010

info info info!

Other days/ Weekend:
I need to keep this up a little bit better, because I don't really remember much of it. School was school, it's really boring here because most of the stuff I still can't do. I got a hair cut with bangs, and I actually really love it, which might just be the first time I've loved a hair cut. Friday night I went out with some friends (SUPER FUN!), and got back a few minutes after my curfew (8pm) and I wasn't allowed to go to Quito the following day. I was really upset about that actually, not so much about not being able to go to Quito but that neither of my siblings were home and when I got home we weren't doing anything. I swear I'm going crazy here, but since I wasn't allowed to go for a walk I walked/danced circles on the outside of the house for two hours; I'm pretty sure my family here is slowly figuring out I'm crazy.
The next day was my grandpa's birthday, so a lot of people (I feel like it was close to 40) were coming and going from the house. I got my nails and toes done with Franzi and Cecy, and then we came back to the house for the lunch. We all kind of chilled for a really long time, I went with Gaby, Caro, and Carie to this place and got Kahlua ice cream that was literally as big as Carie's head. I showed the song/dance for Waka Waka, we drank mohitos as a family (those are quite delicious) and then I went out with a few of the other exchange students. We met at Choko Banana and then went to the mall and stayed there way past the time everyone else left. I love them all, and honestly at first I was pretty upset I wasn't put into Quito, but I love everyone in my city.
That night I had a sleepover with Franzi, and the next day we went to Banos. We ate (pizza and batidos, of course!) and then had a few adventures. We got to go in these go cart type things around the city, which was so much fun, but ours was the slowest so we'd kind of chill just going up hills. After that we went to a zipline, where we took a TeraBita (sp?) across the canyon, and then came back like Superman on our stomachs. I didn't actually find it scary at all, but I never really find stuff like that scary, but the person who works there told me each person usually goes about 80km/ hour. Cool. We came back, and both Franzi and our family were locked out of our houses. When we got back, there were a lot of people that came over and we all hung out. I really adore my extended family, and I'm already dreading when I'll have to change families in January.
School today, I'm starting to not have much to say about school. I'm sick now, of course, and I slept during class today because I didn't have anything else to do when they took all of their tests. As of now, I kind of dread going to school. I love all the people, but I really have nothing to do. Oh, and math confuses me so much here!


  1. Love your haircut! Rules are rules...Next time get home on time :) Hope school gets better for you soon.

  2. i know that auntie karen! and school is just boring haha i don't know if that will ever really change.

  3. Love the blog,haircut, and of course you,too!
