Friday, September 24, 2010

school is getting boring!

Well, that was a joke about me and Mateo getting along. I say hi to him Monday, in a thank-God-we're-now-friends sort of way, and he just looked at me and then turned away and he still ignores me. This is going to take a long time and a little bit of maturity on his part, and probably me not getting mad when he ignores me on my part. His behavior to me though is really making me miss my brother!
On Wednesday we randomly didn't have school, so I went over to Pepe and Carie's house. I love them both so much, but Carie cries quite a bit. Like I would tell the other cousins to not keep saying that because it wasn't true, but now that I know her it is. I adore Pepe, and I keep saying to him that he is going to be my brother later because he is going to marry my sister. It's a joke in the family, but really I would love if he was my brother so I'd be good if they married. Obviously a joke, they're ten, but still! Much later after I went to their house, we went to a Rumba (Zumba) class, which was fun but I only had flip flops with me so my feet were dying. It's a lot different in Ecuador, the room had strobe color lights dancing across it, and all the people in the class were really young, much unlike in the YMCA with all the really fit old ladies.
School has been even more boring, but today (Thursday) was very interesting. I still don't much like the Economy/Products and Services teacher, and that dislike amplified today. Someone asked how many stars are on the American flag, and I answered fifty. My teacher goes, "Oh, I thought there were fifty-two" in this of-course-I'm-right- because-I'm-the-teacher tone, and I just gave him in a but-I'm-from-the-United-States look. Then we watched this movie about money (in Spanish of course) and everyone had to write the moral, but not many people understood it in my class. Sol asked if I had to do it, and my teacher kind of freaked out, saying that I'm here to learn materials as well as the language. Well, the movie was in rapid Spanish, and almost no one in the class understood it. That just bothered me SO much!
Other than that, life has been good. Today I went to Xavier's (Belgium) house from right after school until almost 9, which was fun, we just chatted and ate (of course). Katie (USA) came over for a while too, and I really love them two. Saturday I'm headed to GUAYAQUIL! for Ecuador Moda, which is a fashion show. I'm so stoked, but it's going to be around a seven hour bus drive so that makes me a little nervous. It's going to be a nice change of scenery though, as it's really close to the beach and there's a river that runs through it.

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