Monday, September 6, 2010

longest blog so far...

There is so much to say about Spanish camp it's crazy. I'm gonna try to keep it really short though, which I'm sure probably won't work. I can sum it up in: I miss everyone SO much and I really wish I could go back. So if you just looked at this blog and was like, hm, I'm not going to take the time to read this, then you've gathered most of what matters. First day: well the ride up was when the stomach problems first started, and I almost threw up. Ecuadorian roads+driving there+whatever I ate that was bad= not a pleasant way to start camp. Unfortunately, the stomach problems still haven't gone away, which really just sucks because I already don't feel good. I had Clara (Austria) and Caitlin (Missouri) in my room, and I love them so much. We had a really good room and just loved them and miss them so much. I took a test to see what class I'd be put in, and I was in Level Four out of five levels, and all the Level Five kids were fluent so I did really well. But honestly, Spanish camp wasn't about learning Spanish. I'll talk about the classes first... they were actually fun, most days. Our teacher would kind of change when he was cool and when he wasn't, but we learned body parts and present tense. I'm not trying to sound like "Oh I'm so perfect in Spanish," but honestly with present tense I basically am. I wish we had learned other tenses or done something else, but I'm glad I wasn't up a level. I sat in the middle kind of at the beginning, but then this girl decided to take my seat so I was at almost the end, which ended up being so much funner. This boy from France and I just kind of talked all the time, and he's really nice and I miss him so much. For the class we had to do a dramatization, so we did Idol Ecuatoriano or something like that. I was "Shakita" singing the World Cup song by Shakira in Spanish (waka waka eh eh! esto es africa) and I did the dance too, which was so fun. The talent show was super funny, and each class did a different skit, and of course ours was the best. We also had to do a skit for each country, so for the USA we did Soulja Boy which was a lot of fun because I know the dance now and we got to dress like a gangster. When that song comes on and I'm in my sweats with one pant leg pulled up my calf, I feel SO cool. Every country did something, and with all the extra countries that had like one person representing they did "We are the World" which was insane. I loved it, but my favorite was the French doing a song. The Germans and Americans both did a dance party after the song, which was fun; I LOVE DANCING. The last night was completely with my favorite, because right when dinner stopped a Spanish band came in and danced, so we danced for a while. After the talent night there was a huge long dance party, which was insanely fun. I didn't know a few of the other exchange students, but dancing to Papa Americano just bonds you. I would go outside after some of the songs to talk to those out there, and then try to get up to go back in the dance place because it was SO hot in there. After that a few people went into the pool, which was definitely my favorite part about the camp. Of course we had a try-to-dunk-the-opposite-sex type thing, and I was hard to dunk because, well I have loads of muscle (joke), but also I wouldn't make it easy like I would actually try. One of the guys, Miguel, from Belgium, was holding me in that baby way and would dunk me under, which was actually fun because I got to know him that night. Each night I would go into the pool, and the first night (and I think the third) there were a lot of people but the second night was cold so it was only me, Corentin (French kid), and Izzy (from Arizona). That was fun because Corentin would just chuck the soccer ball and we would have a race to go get it, and wrestle if we lost. Of course after the pool everyone would be in rooms and talking, which helped everyone get to know everyone, aka I miss them all so much more. One moment I remember so strongly it's weird is that Lauren, an insanely fashionable girl from France who is like fluent in Spanish and the CUTEST thing in the world, and I were talking. I had been talking about being a ginger and she was saying that to boys that's not really attractive in France, which made me laugh. I'm not even close to offended by that, it was just funny. Anyways then she was like, "But I'm sure if a French boy saw you he would think all gingers were attractive." That just made me love her so much. I think that pretty much sums it up, but really I just love everyone. I didn't really think it was that sad when I was leaving from the camp, like "Oh I'll see you in a month at the beach trip" kind of thing, but sitting at home is making me realize how much I'm going to miss them when I have to leave Ecuador. I know that's so far away, but it will come before I know it, which sucks. I have school tomorrow, but since it's only an assembly I think that I will be okay. I'm not enrolled in a math class yet, but hopefully I will be able to figure that out much sooner. Side note: I HATE FLIES AND MOSQUITOES. I got so bit in the Amazon, and again at the camp; it's terrible. I hate flies just because there's one in my room as I'm typing this, and it landed ON me and then on my stuffed animal. It's not one of those scared flies that buzzes around you but doesn't touch you, and as of now I wish it was. Okay I'm writing this about two hours after the first part: I feel SO much better. I went in to talk to my dad to ask what I should take for the pills and I just started crying because I hurt so bad. After that they got really nervous and asked me how many times I'd "been to the bathroom" today, and I said like nine or ten which made them really nervous. A cousin of my dad's who is married to a doctor (I think) came and checked me out and now I have five different medication/prescriptions. They said it's really common to have an infection like this here and I shouldn't worry. Hopefully in a week it will be gone but since it's almost been a week (five days) I'm hoping it will end sooner. Sorry to my faithful readers (or just one reader) that this is SO extremely long and pretty boring. Writing the next day: THANK GOSH my stomach feels much better I wish I'd had all this medication five days ago. I had school, which was so intimidating because it was outside. I found out that Franzi is not in my class, and that I'm on the sciences track (aka I have to take physics and chemistry). I'm definitely going to go in to talk with them because that just does not fly for me. Afterwards Franzi, Pepe, Carie, an aunt (I think), my mom and I went to the inauguration of Emi. That was super boring, but I absolutely adore them so we kind of just sat and then left during part of it to go buy food. After Franzi and I went with Emi and her friends to this place and I had one delicious chocolate banana and we just kind of talked about how all the people were looking at us like we were talking monkeys. Her friends all seemed nice, but Franzi and I joked that we're eachothers only friends. We waited in the hair cutting place because some friends were getting their hair cut, so we talked with the people sitting there also waiting. There were three of them, and all were super nice and one even gave us canas; I absolutely love how friendly everyone is here. We walked around more and now I'm at home and my stomach feels bad again. It's getting much better though, and I'm sure soon I will be good. I've been so hungry today, probably because I'm eating for last week too since I couldn't really have much. So pretty much: Spanish camp was awesome, my stomach is not awesome, and school is going to be interesting.


  1. I love your blogs. Hope your stomach feels better soon! This is probably a dumb question..but what does "being a ginger" mean?

  2. How long was the Spanish camp? Sounds like it was more fun than work. Hope you are feeling better. Love you.

  3. thanks auntie karen! it feels much better today! being a ginger is like being a redhead, having red hear. :) and it was fantastic i did NOT want to leave the camp at all.
