Saturday, August 14, 2010

I miss my bed.

So Andreas got in! We made him a lot of post-it notes on how to do well here, as well as welcome signs. It's been pretty fun, kind of like having a sleepover and like having a brother too. He's completely fluent in English, but he says some things that really just don't make sense and it makes me laugh. My going away party was yesterday, and as weird as it is to say this, I'm actually going to miss Rampart HS. It made me realize how fun it is to be here and hang out with friends, so I hope I'll make friends really quickly in Ecuador! I kind of had a break down on Thursday where I realized what exactly I'm doing; I've had these before, but this one was out of nervousness. Then again, it was at like midnight so once I woke up on Friday I was back to being really excited and acknowledging all the stuff that will happen there with a sense of... adventure? I'm super stoked to go though, and I think I'm mentally ready, if not actually packing-wise ready. Oh, now that Andreas is in, I'm sleeping on an air mattress, so I guess it makes sense that I miss my bed. A plus of sleeping on the air mattress: my dog now sleeps next to me and it's so cute because I'll wake up and move because it's uncomfortable and he'll move so he'll still be next to me. I'm gonna miss my dog so much... Anyways, now I can say I'm leaving FRIDAY, not next Friday, just Friday. :)

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