Friday, August 27, 2010

Muere, rato, muere!

Lots of Guitar Hero and Wii (8 HOURS), I'm gonna be a pro soon! I got things sorted out for my Visa and the Spanish camp, so pretty much I gave $550 to this one guy whose going to do everything. I don't know if I'm excited for the Spanish Camp, like I should be because I'll get to meet the people in my area, but I'm always kind of nerrvous when meeting a bunch of new people. I think the guy that has all my money will be driving all the kids from Ambato, so that will be a fun time (hopefully) to get to know all of them. I found out I will get $70 a month, not $100, and I'm still super happy to receive all that money, it was just weird finding that out. I got another part for my uniform (hooray) and a phone to text all my friends here! Oh wait.... they don't exist yet. I'm kind of excited for school to start so I'll actually have friends. Anyways, my family paid for my phone, which was really nice of them, and I really did get lucky with my family. We had pizza (because they know I love pizza!), but that turned into a type of adventure.
Mateo, Kmilo, and Emi all went out to get the pizza and ran back in screaming. They're always pretty loud, so I didn't really think any differently of it, but I went outside. They used to have parakeets outside, so there was a cage with an opening in it. Well, this poor rat climbed into the cage and was now terrified because Negra (the big black dog) was barking at it. The adults started trying to kill it by hitting it with a pole, but the rat would jump at the hole so it could get out. I have to admit, I was rooting for this terrified rat. The line of the night was "Muere, rato, muere!" It finally did get hit, and I'm not gonna say the details, but it was disgusting.
We went to play Wii after that, and Mateo (thirteen year old brother) loves making fun of me, even though he knows he's gonna get punched hard for saying anything. So I was chasing him because I said something wrong in Spanish (of course....) and he suggested a pillow fight. I laughed at first, but then I figured why not? So me and him at first, then Kmilo, then Emi, and we were all just hitting each other. I hit Mateo pretty hard a few times, and I definitely won the pillow fight, if it's possible to win one. Kmilo had to go, so I jokingly hit him when I said "Chao", and again starts the pillow fight. Yep.
Not much happened, actually. We ate, played Wii, and made braceletes. Yes, I know how to spell bracelets, but I think it should be spelled like braceletes, so that's how I spell it. Anyways, Kmilo came over, and now I'm completely comfortable with him, which is good. Sebastian came over too, and I feel like he doesn't really have a desire to try to understand my broken Spanish, and he always just talks to Emi when he's over. So I will try to talk with him, but he just kind of looks at me, half amused. Thursday, though, I said a few things and he laughed, which is definitely good.
We went to the mall to look at appliances, got food (the hamburger took so long I was watching the makers like "give me my hamburger now!" - you know the stare), and tried to get money from my debit card, which didn't work.
Mateo kind of fake cried and was fake mad for like an hour, which was completely bizarre because I didn't really know what to do. I wish if they were joking, it would go on for about ten seconds, like I'm used to, not an hour/ longer. Pato, another cousin that was new, came over. He started joking with me right away, which I love because I feel like you can only joke around with someone you know. Erin (best friend from Colorado) and I have a joke, "I hate you, let's be friends!" because if you can say that to someone and they take it as a joke, then you can be friends.
Two more cousins came over, Pepe and Carie, and I made them both braceletes. They were so polite, and they go to my school. Pepe (I think) called me today and invited me over to eat. It confused me because I'm not entirely sure if it was him, and I don't know when. Advice for making an Ecuadorian friend: make them a bracelete. Mayte came over too, and I love her so. She always hugs me, which is probably why I love her so much; I found out in church in Colorado that my love language is touch, which sounds weird.
I'm trying to not leave anything out, so that's what I'm doing. I haven't been sad since I've been here at all, but I have cried. Once in Banos, which was crazy, and once today. I can't help it, I so badly want to not cry because I'm not sad at all, and it makes my family sad. So I practically ran from the breakfast table twice and prayed to God, "Please stop me crying!" What is wrong with me?! I thought no one saw me, but I was wrong. My mom later said, "No quiero ver triste" which makes me love her a lot but I just feel bad.
We finally got money from my card, and now I'm hoping that it will actually work from now on! Patricio (dad) and I went to Quisapincha, but all that was really there was things made of leather, and as I think they both are a waste of animals and ugly, we didn't stay for long. We went to Parque Provincial, a surprisingly-green-for-being-in-the-dead-of-winter park. It was really pretty, I saw llamas and lots of really good views. I got ice cream, and when we got home more Wii and food. I don't understand how the people here are so skinny, because they eat SO much food. We had "milano y pan", and if it sounds healthy it wasn't... chocolate and bread. Then came lunch, and gosh I wasn't hungry and they kept saying "try a little" of this or that, but I didn't want any more than was on my plate, and I think they looked hurt. I wonder if it's disrespectful to not take food, but seriously I don't want to take it and barf or something; when you're full, you're full.
I got a phone call today! From Pepe, the seventh grader, inviting me over for dinner. My first phone call here, other than my parents to see if the phone was working. The phone call was confusing, but I think I'm going over to their house and no one else is; will that be weird?
A little fact about Diane: I HATE the song "Cooler than Me" by Mike Posner. It's always on, even in Ecuador, and when he starts singing, "If I could write you a song...." it takes all of me to not punch the radio. Not really, but serously. I hate that song. So if you're at home wondering, "What song does Diane hate?" because you want to know little facts about me, the answer to that question is "Cooler than Me."
Wow, these are all really long blogs, and not much is happening completely out-of-the-ordinary, but I'm not leaving anything out. So thanks for taking that five minutes/hour (depending on how fast/slow you read) to read about this, even though it is extremely long.

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